Support Guidelines

Support Guidelines for Stone

**Maximum overhang is no more than 1/3 of the total dimension of the countertop – not to exceed 15″

Maximum over hang

NO supports needed

1/3 of the total dimension NOT to exceed 15″

Overhang Greater than 15″

Greater than 15″ requires corbels or flush mounted steel supports. Supports must be designed to bear the weight of the countertop and be mounter to studs or equivalent load bearing structure. Supports can bear no more than 24″ of overhang. Maximum 36″ between centers of each adjacent support.

Overhang exceeds 24″

Overhang that exceeds 24” requires the use of substrate and posts installed evenly at a maximum of 36” between centers of each adjacent support.

Half Wall

Tops on half wall can be installed using steel supports with overhang up to 12”. Overhang greater than 12” will require corbels or legs.